Experience classic games like Tic Tac Toe, Four In A Row, and Memory Game wirelessly on ESP32. Play anytime, anywhere with touch screen interaction. Easy setup, endless entertainment.

UPDATE: Enjoy 2 More Exciting Games!

Unleash a world of entertainment with the "ESP32 Wireless Touch Screen Games" project. Dive into timeless classics like Tic Tac Toe, Four In A Row, Memory Game, and the thrilling Four In A Row Falling Coins - all brought to life on touch screens using 2 connected ESP32 modules.

Say goodbye to Wi-Fi dependency! With this ingenious setup, you need minimal components:

  • 2x ESP32 WROOM Dev Kit
  • 2x 240x320 Spi TFT Touch Screen

Ideal for family road trips or keeping youngsters engaged, this project offers a fun solution. The construction is a breeze, and it won't break the bank.

Key Highlights:

  • Tic Tac Toe
  • Four In A Row
  • Memory Game
  • Four In A Row Falling Coins


  • No Wi-Fi Required
  • Portable & Compact
  • Simple Components
  • Easy Build Process
  • Affordable

Get Started:

Find the step-by-step guide in the attached PDF manual. Dive into the code and contribute on GitHub:

Bring joy to your journeys, spark excitement in downtime, and make memories with the ESP32 Wireless Touch Screen Games project. Have a blast anytime, anywhere!