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In this episode of Elektor Engineering Insights, we will address a new topic: Software-Defined Vehicles.

Building Software-Defined Vehicles

Cars are all about the software, having put mechanics on the back seat years ago. Coupled with ever more powerful processors, we are now moving into the era of software-defined vehicles, integrating a range of functions into a small number of electronic control units. In this episode, we talk to leaders in this field who are making this future possible. Our guests are Eric Richter from sensor fusion specialists Baselabs, Dr. Ralf Münzenberger from timing experts Inchron, and Brian Carlson from automotive semiconductor leader NXP.

Join us on the 21st of September at 16:00 CEST to discover how tomorrow’s vehicles are being built on software and bring your questions for our guests to answer! And, if luck’s on your side, you might be one of the nine winners of the eBook giveaway: Controller Area Network Projects with ARM and Arduino by Dogan Ibrahim!

Stuart Cording is an engineer and journalist with more than 25 years of experience in the electronics industry. You can find many of his Elektor articles below.

Elektor Engineering Insights

Discuss real engineering challenges and solutions with electronics industry experts.

Elektor Engineering Insights is a go-to resource for busy engineers and maker pros who want to stay informed about the world of electronics. During each episode, Stuart Cording (Editor, Elektor) will discuss real engineering challenges and solutions with electronics industry experts.
Whether you are struggling with EMI/EMC problems, trying to keep your IoT product’s firmware updated, or looking to design new RISC-V-based products, Stuart and his insightful guests will help you achieve your engineering goals.
The show goes out every month live on LinkedIn, Twitter, and the Elektor TV channel on YouTube. We encourage our audience to send in their questions during the show so that our experts can provide live feedback and solutions. If you'd like to join us, or have a topic you'd like us to cover, simply get in touch at