| Ease for your XLR OUT TO XLR IN connections at a reduced price

| 2 jacks, 1 double operational amp and lots of possibilities.Enough to make an experimental plate

| Explore the innovative technique of virtual masses, where signals don't pass through the switch, but the ground takes on the role of "Mute/D...

| Easy to implement, the THAT1510 offers quality sound

| This project is an application of the THAT1646

| Les vinyles font leur retour, Wikipedia a même une page sur le « Vinyl revival ». Peut-être que vous avez gardé un tourne-disque quelque par...

| This module is the implementation of an opto resistive coupler NSL32

| As-tu déjà essayé de connecter ton smartphone à une console de mixage? On dirait que ce n'est pas prévu... Il te faut un symétriseur pour ç...

| Revive your vinyls

| We often encounter problems around a TRRS connection given the 2 standards