ybourdon (16)

| Every electronicshobbyist must make a clock. I have built dozens of them with manual or automatic time setting using the DCF77, NTP, RDS in...

| J'ai développé cette petite passerelle entre un Fibaro HC2 et l'Arduino IoT, pour me permettre de récupérer et d'afficher des informations.

| I developed this small gateway between a Fibaro HC2 and the Arduino IoT, to allow me to retrieve and display informations.

| Découvrez la mise à jour du détecteur de fuites d'eau Arduino IoT : plus intelligent, plus efficace, avec des systèmes de surveillance et d'...

| Discover the updated Arduino IoT water leak detector: smarter, more efficient, with advanced monitoring and alert systems for the modern sma...

| In the eyes of my grandchildren, I am at least a handyman Grandpa. One of my granddaughters, Alice, asked me if I could make her a video gam...

| Après avoir construit plusieurs radios Internet, il s'est avéré que l'ESP32 était le processeur parfait pour une telle application. Cette ra...

| This new project is derived from a previous project (ESP32 Radio) and shows the use of a wired Ethernet link.

| This small system based on ESP32 makes it possible to control the water flow of the filtration pump and to trigger an alarm if it is too low...

| Excellent audio performance for this easy to use radio, able to decode most internet station formats ! Updated firmware and Web Server.