isHOME - remote environment control system based on ESP32-PICO-D4 board. Works as Web Server control application.

isHOME - remote environment control system.
Is it just nice to find your holiday home prepared when you decided to use it ?
ESP32-PICO-D4 kit was used in the project as main Miller air condition/heating system remote controller in the house building.
Second, movable environment measurement units were designed to check heating system indenpendent way.

isHome Web Server based on small (28x28mm) ESP32 Pico D4 board:
  1. ESP32-PICO-D4 Main Board equipped with 1-Wire interface.
  2. Temperature Sensors - DS1820 series,
  3. Hydrochron (temp/humidity) sensors - DS1923G,
  4. 1/2/8 bit switches - DS2405, DS24013, DS2408,
isHome board:
  1. ESP32-PICO-D4 board,
  2. BME280 temp/humidity sensor,
  3. BME680 air quality sensor (optional to BME280),
  4. Color LED for temperature display,
  5. Battery/ power supply for standalone long term work in distant location,
  6. FRAM log memory (up to 1 year temp/humidity values),
  1. Main Web Server ESP32-PICO-D4 board with WiFi antenna module set to WIFI_MODE_APSTA mode (Access Point/Station Access Point),
  2. 1-Wire interface connected to the temp sensors and switches to control the garden lights and Miller air condition/heating system,
  3. Remote isHome client ESP32 boards equipped with BME280 temp/humidity sensors allowing user to make measurements in different remote places,
  4. ESP32 Web page for management and control purposes using web browsers,
  5. Log system to keep measured temp values for long time period for making the environment control analysis,